Posted on 07 Jul 23 in Health/WASH

KHT’s gravity fed water system relies on the natural flow of water downhill to ensure water can reach villages from sources. This means that KHT finds a suitable water source, and from there builds its system. A hugely important part of this system are the pipes. Due to the jungles and hills, pipes need to be transported to the source and buried or placed strategically to ensure water can freely flow using gravity and without any obstructions.

Depending on how far the source it, we need enough pipes to reach the village and this can sometimes be more than 3 miles away and in a hard to reach location. Most of the materials that are transported to the source are done by people and no vehicles can reach the source.

Organising and laying the pipes is physically demanding and can be a difficult task. To get the process completed we are supported by at least 20 volunteers from the village. They participate in the construction of the system and they also help maintain it after we leave, ensuring ownership and sustainability. KHT also ensures there are extra pipes should any replacements be needed over time.

Whilst these pipe look unassuming and like simple plastic tubing, they are vital in helping people end water poverty and improve their health. You can help us reach more villages and ensure Karen people have access to water by donating to our WASH projects today!