Posted on 16 May 24 in KHT News and tagged with karenpeople thailand wash water

As we approach the end of the project season, the unpredictable weather in Thailand has led to some delays and challenges for our team.

Poor road conditions to villages and flooding early in 2024 delayed construction and a heatwave has meant our team have had to slow down to ensure safety and health for themselves and the villagers working with us.

We have recently completed a WASH system in the village of Ban Luk Pa Kaw, as well as beginning a new system in Ban Mae Sameang Song. These systems will support more than 330 people and ensure clean water access to deprived communities, no matter the weather! With the current increased temperatures and lack of rain, having easy and reliable access to water is a huge relief for these communities.

KHT also completed First Aid training and distributing First Aid Kits in Ban Mae Oom Long Noi and Ban Mae Oom Pawk. The trainings have given the villagers more confidence in how to manage if someone should be injured and provided them with practical knowledge on how to administer vital first aid and the important of seeking medical attention.

We also completed livelihoods training in these villages as part of our integrated ‘Transforming Communities’ project and the training provided practical skills and advice on organic pest control and improving caring for crops from infestations, without needing to use harmful chemicals in large quantities or unnecessarily.

KHT is very pleased with the community buy in and cooperation for our projects this season, and we are keen to ensure more communities, including very remote and smaller villages, also benefit from our projects. You can support our work by donating today and sharing our work!