Posted on 31 Mar 23 in KHT News and tagged with charity food recipes sharing thailand

Thailand is know for its beautiful landscapes, friendly people and amazing food.

Food is a hugely important par to Thai and Karen culture and is a way for people to show their hospitality and thanks to you. We have compiled recipes for some of our favourite dishes that we have tried during our time in Mae Hong Son. These include the creamy and comforting Khao Soi, spicy and savoury fritters and a refreshing coconut drink!

You can help us support marginalised Karen tribes and learn how to make some of these amazing dishes by purchasing our recipe book!

You can buy it on our Etsy site now!

We hope you enjoy making these delicious foods and experience a little of Thailand in your own home!

You can also share the link with your friends and family and encourage them to purchase and donate too! Your ongoing support is vital for KHT’s work and we are grateful for your generosity and concern for the Karen people.